船用排气管、波纹管 32-44348001 32-44348T, Mercruiser
Upper Exhaust Tube Pipe Bellows 4" for Mercruiser replaces 32-44348001 32-44348T
Replaces Mercruiser 32-44348001, 32-44348T.
Inside exhaust connector from exhaust elbow to tube, used on late model Mercruiser.
Used for center mounted risers - V6 and V8.
Also has applications in Crusader and Marine Power.
奈盎科技多年来致力研发生产船用配件-橡胶叶轮包括(Yamaha impeller/雅马哈橡胶叶轮;Suzuki impeller/铃木橡胶叶轮;Honda/本田橡胶叶轮;Tohatsu impeller /东发橡胶叶轮;Mercury impeller/水星橡胶叶轮;Evinrude impeller/喜来运舷外机叶轮;Chrysler impeller/克莱斯勒橡胶叶轮等) ,公司产品一直出口欧美,给欧美多家企业代加工,产品质量稳定,多年来在售后市场获得一致好评。